Wednesday, March 21, 2007

10 Year Reunion!

Our ten-year reunion is fast approaching. Any plans to go back to RVA? To have a reunion in the US? Add your comments and ideas for summer of 2008!
I am willing to plan a reunion in Colorado... let me know if you're interested and what dates would work. Maybe the July 4th weekend? Sometime in August?

Friday, March 9, 2007

Congratulations Heather!

Heather and Josh will be getting married on July 21st, 2007 in Virginia!
All are invited. Respond to this post if you would like information for the wedding.
Way to go Heather!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Catinella Update

Olyotya? ("How are you?" in Luganda.) Matt and I have just returned from ministering in Uganda. Our first week in Uganda, we ministered in the district of Rakai and our second week we ministered in Kampala. This was our first trip to Uganda and we had a wonderful time. The people were open and friendly and receptive to the Gospel. We are looking at going back for a longer trip to pioneer an abstinence based youth program. To learn more about this trip see our blog or you can click on Matt and Angela under the Personal Pages links on this blog.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Taylor Update

Ericka and I are living in Vancouver, British Columbia. She is a registered nurse and I am running a non profit that works in Rwanda called Wellspring ( We are also expecting our first child at the end of May!
Work with Wellspring is going really well. Our first school, the Wellspring Academy, opened in Kigali in January. We have been able to offer training to hundreds of Rwandan teachers and supported the growth of an Association of Christian Teachers.

We have a great home church and that has a strong heart for the needy in it's community and is developing a bigger vision for the world. Please look us up if you are in the Western Canada or the Pacific NW. We love visitors!
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