Friday, May 25, 2007

Jordan Benjamin Taylor

We are proud to announce the birth of our son, Jordan Benjamin Taylor, in the wee hours of the morning (12:08) on Thursday, May 24th. Our little 8lb 15 ounce bundle of joy took his first breath after 19 hours of labor, only six hours of active labor, and just over four hours at Langley Memorial Hospital.

He is 21 ¼ inches (54 cm) long. He has a thin layer of dark hair, blue eyes, big feet and hands, and so far the consensus is he looks like a Hubler (Ericka’s family) with a touch of Taylor. He is the perfect mixture between Hungarian and Scot, Canadian and American!

Ericka is doing well. She has second degree tears and is very sore but has no other complications. I was so proud of her during the labor and found it to be quite a spiritually intense experience. When the baby was finally born all the different emotions that had been kept in check while I was helping Ericka through the contractions and pushing came flooding out. Intense joy, fear, pride, uncertainty, relief all flooded into one. I can’t explain it but if you have had a little one before I’m sure you understand.

Anyways, thank you for your thoughts and prayers through this whole delivery. We are looking forward to walking through life with this little one that God has entrusted to us and can’t believe we are so lucky!

I have attached some pictures of the first 24 hours.


Psalm 8:2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

April Wellspring Update

Follow the link to download the Taylor's latest Wellspring Update.
(scroll to the bottom of the page to download the file)

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Something old

Well couldnt get the video to play on here due to rubbish HTML skills so have a look here. It made me laugh and even though the quality is pretty shocking its possible to recognise quite a few from our class.
Enjoy! Elora
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