Wednesday, March 21, 2007

10 Year Reunion!

Our ten-year reunion is fast approaching. Any plans to go back to RVA? To have a reunion in the US? Add your comments and ideas for summer of 2008!
I am willing to plan a reunion in Colorado... let me know if you're interested and what dates would work. Maybe the July 4th weekend? Sometime in August?


Anonymous said...

I'm interested, but need to think about it a bit more.

Mark Barany said...

Hey Becky,

I have been thinking about our ten year anniversary for quit a while now and was convinced that it would fun to put together a large reunion back at RVA for alumni weekend. But as people are settling down and having families I am not sure if that idea is economically and practically feasible. Maybe it would be best to schedule something in the states. I know I could make it if it were in Colorado. But I would probably try and make it no matter where the location is.

The Bryants said...

Yeah, I think that traveling across the ocean is out of budget for many of us with families. Well, we have one for Colorado then! (-:

Mark Barany said...


My vote would be for the Fourth of July Weekend 2008 (July 4th, 5th and 6th). I think that the Memorial Day Weekend and Labor Day Weekends are too close to when schools are starting up and closing down. Plus there's nothing better than some bar-b-q and some cold beer on a warm Colorado day is there? I just hope that the Rockies are in town when we fly in. Do you think you and Aaron will be up for a ball game?

Class of '98 said...

ALWAYS up for a game! We go to so many Rockies games each year. I think the fourth weekend is the best too because a lot of people won't have to take much off of work. (-: You know, you're always welcome to visit!

CeeFree98 said...

We will try to make it no matter when it is held but July is more difficult for us. August would be better. I agree that an official reunion would probably be better in the states, however, it would be great if people made it out to Kenya for alumni weekend.

Emily said...

Colorado sounds fabulous!!!
Nice and central.. Great idea!
I'd really love to go to Kenya too.. and will try to be there :) but Alumni dates and Reunion dates would need to not overlap... hmmm...
Anyway.. I'm ready to go anywhere and/or host.. basically.. count me in!

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